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Insights on Astro From a Newly Minted Blogger

Written by Tucker Fritz

Welcome to my new developer blog site. Here is where I intend to share my insights around the languages, frameworks, and principles that I learn about through both my professional experience as a software developer and as a hobbyist programmer.

Today I want to share with you the insights I’ve gained from working with the Astro web framework in building a blog site. So you may be wondering:

Why Astro?

There’s a seemingly endless amount of JavaScript frameworks out there and more of them are being generated every day. Sometimes it can be overwhelming to decide which one to choose for the task at hand. However there are a few things to consider to help you make that decision:

The Ultimate Goal

My ultimate goal was pretty simple: build a statically generated blog site. I need it to be statically generated because I don’t want to unnecessarily pay for server time when I can just deploy my static files to an S3 bucket or a CDN. This will rule out dynamic content like comments, but in my opinion that’s a superfluous feature for a blog that realistically won’t be seeing many users.

Astro supports SSG (static site generation) and it has a content collection API that is perfect for authoring blog posts in Markdown (or it’s significantly more powerful cousin MDX).

Prior Experience

Astro is what you could call a meta framework (no, not that kind of Meta). It lets you build and use components from other JavaScript frameworks like React, Vue, and Svelte. This makes it easy for developers to either migrate their existing projects to Astro or build a new project and leverage their past experience.

My prior experience is using React to create dynamic web applications. It would be nice to leverage this prior experience in creating this site, although in this case it’s not all that important because I’m doing this partly to gain new experiences in the web dev world.

Documentation and Community Support

Documentation and community support is important if you plan on maintaining your project indefinitely into the future. On one hand you can argue that this isn’t necessarily that important for a hobby site, on the other hand you don’t want to potentially run into a wall and then find out that there is no documentation or find out that the project is unmaintained and that bug you found is never going to be patched.

Astro has thorough documentation. They even have a tutorial specifically for creating a blog and it’s geared towards novice web developers so it’s easy to follow and understand for anyone. As for the Astro community itself, I can’t say I have enough experience yet to be an accurate judge of it. I did notice that they direct people towards their Discord in the blog tutorial. So it’s nice seeing that they do take an active step in fostering their own community.

The Determining Factor

With all that being said, I could have easily chosen another framework that supports SSG like Next.js or Gatsby. The real determining factor for me was the support of multiple frameworks and the chance to play around with frameworks I’ve never used before in the same project. As of the publishing of this blog post I didn’t get around to using any other frameworks in my Astro project, but perhaps that is a task to be completed and written up in another blog post.

What I liked About Astro

Astro has a lot going for it. Here are some of the things that I found personally compelling:

Astro Makes it Really Simple to Ship Less JavaScript

The only way I have any chance for this blog to be seen by any human eyeballs is for it to load exceptionally fast before the potential reader gets bored and has a chance to click away. Every kilobyte of JavaScript that I ship to the user works against that goal. Astro makes it really easy to reason about the JavaScript you ship to your users in two important ways.

Code Fences

Code fences are declared at the top of your Astro components with two triple dashes (---) that surround your imports and JavaScript statements.

import MyAwesomeCompponent from "@components/MyAwesomeComponent.astro";

const myAwesomeData = await fetch("").then(resp => resp.json());
<MyAwesomeComponent data={myAwesomeData}/>

Astro guarantees that the JavaScript in the code fence above will not be shipped to the user. In the case of a fully static site, it will only ever be ran once at build time.

Client Directives

You may be wondering how to ship JavaScript to the client in case you need to add some interactivity to your site. You do this with client directives. Client directives tell Astro how you want to hydrate your interactive components on the client’s page. Imagine that MyAwesomeComponent depends on client-side JavaScript for interactivity. You can tell astro to hydrate the component immediately upon page load like so:

import MyAwesomeCompponent from "@components/MyAwesomeComponent.astro";

const myAwesomeData = await fetch("").then(resp => resp.json());
<MyAwesomeComponent client:load data={myAwesomeData}/>

Besides “client:load”, there are several other client directives for hydrating interactive components, the difference mainly being the level of priority of the hydration. This gives you fine-grained control over how your components are hydrated and therefore greater control over the performance of your site.

Client directives are the only way that JavaScript can be shipped to the client in the Astro framework. Fewer client directives, less JavaScript, smaller bundle size, greater performance.

I’ve already mentioned that Astro supports using React, Svelte, and Vue components. Astro also provides official integrations for the following tools:

All of which I used when developing this site. The only thing I had to do to get them working was run a single npm command for each of them. I don’t know about you, but I find that pretty impressive. The last thing I want to do when working on a personal project (or any project for that matter) is to fiddle around with the configuration to get everything working correctly.

The above list isn’t a comprehensive list for official Astro integrations but they are the ones that I found useful for this project. You can find the complete list here.

Consistency With Existing Web Standards

I was delightfully surprised by how Astro conforms to existing web standards. Astro supports JSX-like syntax that is reminiscent of the way you write JSX in a React project but with one key difference: You can write plain HTML with all of its native tags and attributes! Allow me to illustrate the difference for those of you who are unfamiliar with JSX.


<label htmlFor="name" className="primary-label">First Name<label>
<input className="primary-input" id="name" type="text" name="firstName"/>

Astro Markup / HTML:

<label for="name" class="primary-label">First Name<label>
<input class="primary-input" id="name" type="text" name="firstName"/>

Astro Markup uses the same attributes that standard HTML uses. But wait. I thought that wasn’t possible since for and class are reserved words in JavaScript? I guess Astro figured something out that the React team couldn’t.

Keeping in line with the principle of using existing web standards, when you need to add styles to your component you simply add a <style> tag to your component and when you want to add client-side interactivity you can simply add a <script> tag to your component. This pretty much works as you would expect it to, however the CSS styles within a <style> tag are automatically scoped to the component by default with an escape hatch to make them globally scoped. Also, Astro does process the JavaScript you add within <script> tags which allows for several conveniences that I won’t get into here.

The Content Collections API

Content collections are a beautiful little addition to the Astro framework that makes authoring and publishing content that much easier. Essentially all you have to do is put all of the Markdown files that you author into a subfolder under src/content, write a configuration file that describes the metadata included in the front matter of those Markdown files, and then use the getCollection or the getEntry imports to query for your Markdown files.

The aforementioned configuration file provides type-checking and autocompletion in your code editor through the use of Zod which allows you to be confident that the properties on the content that you’re querying actually exist. This provides a nice developer experience boost.

One of the more powerful features besides type support is the ability to define references between different types of content (think about relationships if you’re familiar with RDBMS). A property on a schema can be a reference to the same content type or another content type defined by a content schema in the configuration file. This also allows for type-checking on references.

When I discovered the content collections API I knew that Astro was the right choice for developing my blog. Astro could’ve passed the buck to a third-party library to implement a similar feature. The fact that they chose to officially include this API within their framework tells me that they’re thinking seriously about the use case of a blog author, my use case.

What I Disliked About Astro

Enough with singing Astro’s praises. With any framework, there’s going to be things that you dislike or things that you think can be improved upon.

A Little Too Much Magic?

In some ways, there’s a beautiful simplicity to React components. Every component is a simple JavaScript function (or class). The JSX syntax itself is compiled down to JavaScript function calls. You can actually write React code without ever writing a single line of JSX.

This is not the case with Astro components. Astro uses a custom syntax that consists of a code fence, JSX-like markup, and optionally, script and style tags. You have to trust the Astro compiler to take that custom format and generate valid HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. That in and of itself isn’t much different to trusting Babel to compile your JSX into JavaScript I suppose, but a React component is still very much a plain JavaScript function. You declare the function itself with its arguments, body, and return value. In an Astro component it’s done like this:

import AnotherComponent from "@components/AnotherComponent.astro";

interface Props {
    title: string;
    author: string;
    description: string;

const { title, author, description } = Astro.props;
    <p>Written by {author}</p>
    <AnotherComponent />
    <slot />

Astro.props is magically typed with the Props interface. The Astro property itself is globally available in all astro files. It’s a distinctly different feeling for me than just writing a component as a function.

You might be wondering what that special <slot /> element is. To pass in another component as a child of this one, I placed a <slot/> element in the markup where I want that child component to appear. In React, the children prop is passed in like any other function argument. Here the framework magically injects child elements into the slot.

This may seem like a minor quibble, mainly because it is. I can’t really be one to complain about magic when I’m using a JavaScript meta-framework, now can I? But I would be remiss if I didn’t include my complete thoughts on Astro, both positive and negative, in this blog post.


I found Astro to be a great solution for creating my personal blogging website. For me the positives vastly outweighed the negatives. You may think that a meta-framework like this is overkill for a simple blogging website. However, I found Astro to be perfectly tailored to my use case and I found the overall experience to be a breeze. That being said, I can’t speak to the use cases where SSR may be required as I haven’t yet used that feature. Although I can say that if you were thinking of using Astro to build your blog, you should definitely go for it.

This blog post was not sponsored by Astro.